GSD Mode Podcast Interview With Derek Timmons!

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New Realtor Sells 25 Deals 1st Year, 47 in 2nd Year and Is On FIRE
- Generated $250k+ In Commissions During His 2nd Year!
- 25 Deals His 1st Year As An Agent, 47 Deals His 2nd Year!
More Info About Derek!
Derek Timmons is a real estate agent who out the gate has been on FIRE! As a brand new real estate agent, Derek was able to close 25 deals during his 1st year while working only part-time on the side and still holding down a full time job. After making the switch to full time in his 2nd year, he was able to close 47 deals in 2020 in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, totaling over $250k in commission income. Now in his 3rd year, he is on track to blow that number out of the water and continues to absolutely crush it!

In this GSD Mode Podcast Interview, Derek discusses with host Joshua Smith EXACTLY how he has been able to find success as a new realtor and how he got to where he is today in such a short amount of time, what he believes is the key to having a high conversion rate, the insane value that comes with developing healthy business relationships with money lender, builders, investors, etc.., he details his online social media presence and talks about how important it is for real estate agents to be online in this day and age, and so much more. Don’t miss this one, hit play!
"How To Triple Your Real Estate Business In 90 Days" with Joshua Smith
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